List of Participants

LastName Fist Name Email WebPage Department Institute Address
BecJeremiebec@obs-nice.fr CassiniObservatoire de la Cote d'AzurBP 4229, 06304 NICE Cedex 4, France
BreuerMartinbreuerm@earth.uni-muenster.de fur GeophysikWestfalischen Wilhems UniversitatCorrensstr. 24, 48149 Munster, Germany
ChoJohn of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary SciencesMassachusetts Institute of Technology77 Massachusetts Ave., Rm. 54-1823, Cambridge, MA 02139-4307, U.S.A.
CoughlinKatiekatie@amath.washington.eduDept of Applied MathematicsUniversity of WashingtonBox 352420, Seattle, WA 98195-2420, USA
DanielVincentvdaniel@lmd.ens.fr de Meteorologie DynamiqueEcole Normale Superieure24 rue Lhomond, 75231 Paris Cedex 05, France
DanielsKaren E.ked8@cornell.edu of PhysicsCornell University117 Clark Hall, Ithaca, NY 1485, USA
DohanKathleen B.dohan@math.ualberta.ca of Mathematical SciencesUniversity of AlbertaCAB536, Edmonton, AB, Canada T6G 2G1
DubosThomasdubos@lmd.ens.frLaboratoire de Meteorologie DynamiqueEcole Normale Sup‚rieure24 rue Lhomond, 75231 PARIS Cedex 05, France of MathematicsUniversity CollegeGower Street, London WC1E 6BT, UK.
FalcoPierpaolopierpaolo.falco@uninav.itIstituto di Meteorologia e Oceanografia Istituto Universitario NavaleVia de Gasperi 5, 80133 Napoli, ITALY DepartmentWeizmann Institute of SciencePO Box 26, Rehovot 76100, Israel
FarnetaniCinzia cinzia@ipgp.jussieu.frLab. de Dynamique des Systemes GeologiquesInstitut de Physique du Globe de Paris4 place Jussieu, boite 89, 75252 Paris Cedex 05, France
FerrachatSylvaineferracha@ymir.ucdavis.edu of GeologyUniversity of California DavisOne Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616, USA
FerrariRaffaelerferrari@whoi.edu of Physical OceanographyWoods Hole Oceanographic InstitutionClark Building, room 330, MS 21Woods Hole, MA 02540, USA
GalmicheMartinMartin.Galmiche@hmg.inpg.fr National Polytechnique de GrenobleBP 53 38041 GRENOBLE CEDEX 9 France
GarconVeroniquegarcon@notos.cst.cnes.frLEGOSObservatoire de Midi-Pyrenees18 av. Edouard Belin, 31404 Toulouse Cedex 4, France
Gasser i RubinatMarcmarc@ciemar.ccbb.ulpgc.esDepartment of Applied PhysicsUniversity of Las Palmas de Gran CanariaCra de Lomo Blanco 92, 35017 Tafira Baja, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain
GirtonJames B.girton@apl.washington.edu of OceanographyUniversity of WashingtonApplied Physics Laboratory, 1013 NE 40th Street, Seattle, WA 98105-6698, USA
GottschaldtKlaus-Dirkklgo@geo.uni-jena.deInstitut fur Geowissenschaften, Lehrbereich GeodynamikFriedrich-Schiller-Universität JenaBurgweg 11, 07749 Jena, Germany of Mathematics and StatisticsUniversity of SurreyGuildford GU2 5XH, United Kingdom
GritsounAndreiandrusha@inm.ras.ruInstitute of Numerical MathematicsRussian Academy of Sciences8 Gubkina st., Moscow 117930, Russia
HallIan M. of Mathematical SciencesUniversity of ExeterA912 Laver Building, North Park Road, Exeter EX4 4QE, UK
HaynesPeter of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical PhysicsUniversity of CambridgeSilver Street, Cambridge CB3 9EW, UK
Hernandez-GarciaEmilioemilio@imedea.uib.es Mediterraneo de Estudios AvanzadosUniversitat Illes BalearsCSIC-UIB, 07071 Palma de Mallorca, Spain
HertzogAlberthertzog@lmd.polytechnique.frLaboratoire de Meteorologie DynamiqueEcole Polytechnique91128 Palaiseau Cedex, France
HorvaiPeterhorvai@clipper.ens.frIHES1, rue des Tournelles, 75004 Paris, France
JellinekMarkmarkj@seismo.berkeley.eduDept of Earth and Planetary ScienceUniversity of CaliforniaBerkeley, CA94708, USA
Jimenez ArandaAngelajimenea@etse.urv.es of Mechanical EngineeringUniversity Rovira i VirgiliCtra Salou s/n4, 3006 Tarragona, Spain of Air ChemistryMax-Planck-Institute for ChemistryJoh.-J.-Becher Weg 27, 55128 Mainz, Germany
KohTieh Yongtiehyong@lmd.ens.fr of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary SciencesMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyMIT Rm 54-1717, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02139, U.S.A. of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical PhysicsUniversity of CambridgeSilver Street, Cambridge CB3 9EW, United Kingdom
KuebelBrandy T.bkuebel@oce.orst.eduCollege of Oceanic & Atmospheric SciencesOregon State University104 Ocean Admin. Bldg., Corvallis, OR 97331-5503, USA
Le BarsMichaellebars@ipgp.jussieu.frLaboratoire de Dynamique des Systemes Geologiques Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris4 place Jussieu, boite 89, 75252 PARIS cedex 05, France
LeggSonya A.slegg@whoi.edu of Physical OceanographyWoods Hole Oceanographic InstitutionMail stop 21, Woods Hole,, MA 02543 USA
LegrasBernardlegras@lmd.ens.fr de M‚t‚orologie DynamiqueEcole Normale Sup‚rieure24 rue Lhomond, 75231 PARIS Cedex 05, France
LevierBrunolevier@univ-brest.frLaboratoire de Physique des OceansUniversite de Bretagne Occidentale6 Avenue Le Gorgeu, B.P.809, 29285 BREST CEDEX, FRANCE
LillyJonathan of OceanographyUniversity of Washington2235 Fairview Ave. E. Boat #9, Seattle, WA 98102, USA
LlidoJeromellido@notos.cst.cnes.frLaboratoire d'Etudes en Geophysique et Oceanographie Spatiales (LEGOS)Observatoire de Midi Pyrenees18 avenue Edouard Belin, 31401 Toulouse Cedex 4, FRANCE
LouazelStephanielouazel@shom.frCMOEPSHOM13 rue du Chatellier, BP 426, 29275 Brest Cedex, France
MaJunjunma@rua.eps.jhu.edu of Earth and Planetary SciencesJohns Hopkins University301 Olin Hall, 3400 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21218, USA
ManchoAna de AstrobiologiaInstituto Nacional de TecnicaCtra. Ajalvir km 4, 28850 Torrejon de Ardoz, Madrid, Spain of Ocean and Earth ScienceSouthampton Oceanography CentreUniversity of Southampton, ,European Way Southampton SO14 3ZH, United Kingdom of Earth SciencesUniversity of CambridgeBullard Labs, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB30EZ, UK
McKiverWilliam of MathematicsUniversity of St. AndrewsSt. Andrews, Fife KYI1 9AJ, Scotland, UK of Ocean and Earth SciencesSouthampton Oceanography CentreEuropean Way, Southampton SO14 3ZH, U.K.
MeunierPatricemeunier@irphe.univ-mrs.frIRPHEUniversity of Aix-Marseille I49, rue Joliot-Curie, BP 146, 13384 Marseille Cedex 13, France of GeophysicsKyoto UniversitySakyo-ku, Kyoto, 606-8502 Japan
MorelB‚atricebmorel@univ-reunion.frLaboratoire de Physique de l'AtmosphèreUniversit‚ de La R‚union15 Avenue R. Cassin, B.P. 7151, 97715 Saint-Denis Messag. Cedex 9, La Reunion, FRANCE
MoulinFr‚d‚ric Yannmoulin@hmg.inpg.fr des Ecoulements Geophysiques et IndustrielsInstitut Polytechnique de GrenobleEquipe THEOB.p. 53, 38041 GRENOBLE Cedex 09, France
MoyerElisabethmoyer@huarp.harvard.edu of Chemistry and Chemical BiologyHarvard University12 Oxford St., Cambridge, MA 02138, USA
MrowiecAgnieszkaamrowiec@poczta.onet.plInstitute of GeophysicsWarsaw University ul.Pasteura, 702-093 Warszawa, Poland di Fisica GeneraleUniversita` degli Studi di TorinoVia Pietro Giuria, 110125 Torino, Italy of OceanographyGoteborg UniversityBox 460, 405 30 Goteborg, Sweden of Applied Mathematics and Thoretical PhysicsUniversity of CambridgeSilver Street, Cambridge CB3 9EW, UK di CosmogeofisicaCorso Fiume 4, 10133 Torino, Italy
PierrehumbertRaymond T. SciencesUniversity of Chicago5734 Ellis Avenue,, Chicago IL 60637, USA
PlougonvenRiwalplougon@lmd.ens.frLaboratoire de Meteorologie DynamiqueEcole Normale Superieure24 rue Lhomond, 75231 Paris cedex 05, France
PlumbR. of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary SciencesMIT77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA Deacon Division for Ocean ProcessesSouthampton Oceanography CentreWaterfront Campus, European Way, SO14 3ZH Southampton, UK
RayEriceray@al.noaa.govNOAA/Aeronomy LabCIRES/University of ColoradoMS R/AL, 6325 Broadway, Boulder, CO 80305, USA de Mecanique des Fluides et d'AcoustiqueEcole Centrale de Lyon36 avenue Guy de Collongues, BP 163, 69131 ECULLY Cedex, France
RicardYanickricar@ens-lyon.fr de Sciences de la TerreEcole Normale Superieure de Lyon46 Allee d'Italie, 69364 Lyon Cedex 07, France
RichardsKelvin of Ocean and Earth ScienceUniversity of SouthamptonSouthampton Oceanography Centre, European Way, Southampton SO14 3ZH, UK of Ocean and Earth ScienceUniversity of SouthamptonSouthampton Oceanography Centre, European Way, Southampton SO14 3ZH, UK
RiviereGwendalgriviere@lmd.ens.frLaboratoire de Meteorologie DynamiqueEcole Normale Superieure24 Rue Lhomond, 75231 PARIS CEDEX 05, France
RoedenbeckChristianchristian.roedenbeck@bgc-jena.mpg.de Institute for BiogeochemistryCarl-Zeiss-Promenade 10D, 07745 Jena, Germany
RossOliver of Ocean and Earch SciencesUniversity of SouthamptonSouthampton Oceanography Centre, Room 564/1,2 European Way, Southampton SO14 3ZH, United Kingdom
SamuelHenrisamuel@ipgp.jussieu.frLaboratoire de Dynamique des Systemes GeologiquesInstitut de Physique du Globe de Paris4 place Jussieu, BP 89, 75252 Paris cedex 05, FRANCE
SartCarolinecaroline.sart@univ-lille1.frLaboratoire de M‚canique de LilleUniversit‚ de Lille 1cit‚ scientifique, 59655 Villeneuve d'Ascq cedex, France
SchmalzlJorgjoergs@uni-muenster.dehttp:/ fur GeophysikWestfalischen Wilhems UniversitatCorrensstr. 24, 48149 Munster, Germany
SchneiderTapiotapio@cims.nyu.edu for Atmosphere/Ocean StudiesCourant Institute of Mathematical SciencesNew York University, 251 Mercer Street, New York, NY 10012, USA
ScottRichard d'Aerologie, OMPCNRS/UPS14 av E. Belin, 31400 Toulouse, France
ShaferSmithkss@gfdl.noaa.gov DepartmentPrinceton UniversityGeophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, PO Box 308, Princeton NJ 08542, USA
ShuckburghEmily F.eshuck@lmd.ens.fr de Meteorologie Dynamique Ecole Normale Superieure24 Rue Lhomond, 75231 PARIS CEDEX 05, France
SprincStanislavsprinc@saske.skhttp://www.saske.skDepartment of Theoretical PhysicsInstitute of Experimental Physics of the Slovak Academy of SciencesIEP SAS Kosice, Watsonova 47043 53 Kosice, Slovak Republic
StemmerKaistemmer@uni-muenster.dehttp::/ of PhysicsWestfalischen Wilhems UniversitatCorrensstr. 24, 48149 Munster, Germany
SukhatmeJai S.jssukhat@midway.uchicago.eduDept of Geophysical SciencesUniversity of Chicago5734 S. Ellis Avenue #573, Chicago, IL 60637, USA
TabelingPatricktabeling@lps.ens.frDepartement de PhysiqueEcole Normale Superieure24 rue Lhomond, 75231 Paris Cedex 05, France
TelTamastel@poe.elte.huInstitute for Theoretical PhysicsEotvos UniversityPuskin u. 5-7, 1088 Budapest, Hungary
ThiffeaultJean-Lucjeanluc@mailaps.org of Applied Physics and Applied MathematicsColumbia University500 W. 120th st, Room 202 MC 4701, New York, NY 10027, USA
VergassolaMassimomassimo@obs-nice.frLaboratoire CassiniObservatoire de la Cote d'AzurBP 4229, 06304 NICE Cedex 4, France
VladimirovaNatalianata@flash.uchicago.edu of Astronomy and AstrophysicsUniversity of ChicagoASCI Flash Center, 5640 S Ellis, Chicago,, IL 60637 USA
WellsMathew G.m.g.wells@tue.nl DepartmentEindhoven University of TechnologyBuilding Cascade, P.O. Box 513, NL-5600 MB, Eindhoven, The Netherlands of MathematicsUniversity of BristolUniversity Walk, Bristol BS8 1TW, UK
WingateBeth A.wingate@lanl.gov and Computational Sciences DivisionLos Alamos National LaboratoryLos Alamos, New Mexico 87545, USA of Dynamic GeodesyInstitute of Geodesy and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences54 Xudong Road, Wuhan, Hubei 430077, P.R.CHINA Center for Climate System Research University of Tokyo4-6-1 Komaba, Meguro, Tokyo 153-8904, JAPAN
ZeitlinVladimirzeitlin@lmd.ens.frLaboratoire de Meteorologie DynamiqueUniversity Pierre et Marie CurieBP 99, 4 pl. Jussieu, 75252 Paris Cedex 05, France