Geological data, geophysics and modelling of the mantle

Introduction & Motivation
Dynamic Earth
    - most prominent observations:
            -Earth quakes
Very  hard to get any data

Diapositive 3

"Reason --> moving plates"
Reason --> moving plates

Diapositive 5

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Geochemical/geological  observations
 - collect samples at mid-ocean ridges & volcanos
--> compare with:
                    - composition of chondrites
                    - each other
-> strength is the temporal resolution
-> weakness in the spatial domain
 Being treated in separate lecture.

Geophysical Observations

"How to proceed:"
How to proceed:
Gather information about the convective regime i.e. material properties, boundary conditions, e.t.c.
=> have a model of convection in the Earth mantle and understand the mixing properties
=> feed information derived from the geochemical investigations back into the model and try to refine it until it fullfills geochemical constrains
  => the SUPER-MODEL

Diapositive 10

Geophysical Observations

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Seismic evidence for a mantle plume

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Wavefront healing:

What todo ??

origin unclear,
very hard to see using seismic,
not in fluid-dynamical models

Concluding from seismology:


Estimating the parameters for convection:

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Material parameters from experiments

Diapositive 33
