The THINICE field campaign in Svalbard in August 2022 was dedicated to studying Arctic cyclones and their interactions with tropopause polar vortices, clouds and the mobile marginal ice zone in summer. Two complementary instrumented research aircraft were deployed. The SAFIRE ATR42 aircraft flew in the mid-troposphere and was equipped with the remote sensing instrumentation and in-situ cloud microphysics probes (see flights in the figure). Objectives of the ATR42 flights were to observe the wind and cloud structure of Arctic cyclones and their evolution. More details here: https://ralithinice.aeris-data.fr/.. The British Antarctic Survey Twin Otter aircraft flew at low level to measure surface-layer turbulent fluxes and sea-ice properties including surface temperature, albedo and roughness. More details here: https://research.reading.ac.uk/arctic-summertime-cyclones/ Long duration instrumented balloons, operated by Windborne Systems, sampled Arctic cyclones and tropopause polar vortices.