Sabrina SPEICH

We are hiring! – Job offers

               PhD fellowship offers

1. Assessing the structure and role of small scale ocean dynamics in the ocean in relation with the ERC Synergy WHIRLS project

2. Assessing the evolution of marine heat waves in conjunction with ocean warming and induced variations in ocean stratification/vertical structure in relation with the EU Horizon2030 ObsSea4Clim project VISUALIZE/DOWNLOAD THE OFFER HERE File Pdf

                Postdoctoral fellowship offers

1. Assessing the planetary heat redistribution in the ocean in relation with the
EU Horizon2030 ObsSea4Clim project VISUALIZE/DOWNLOAD THE OFFER HERE File Pdf

                 Scientific officer offers

1. Contribution to the definition of user requirements for ocean information within the framework of the ObsSea4Clim project and the Global Ocean Observing System in relation with the
EU Horizon2030 ObsSea4Clim project VISUALIZE/DOWNLOAD THE OFFER HERE File Pdf