





Research Group


Alejandro CASALLAS
Mesoscale convective systems and convective lifetime
IST-bridge Marie Curie postdoctoral fellow

Jiawei BAO
Impacts of convective organization on the large-scale tropical climate
IST-bridge Marie Curie postdoctoral fellow

Idealized models of atmospheric moist convection
IST-bridge Marie Curie postdoctoral fellow

Moist convection, its parameterization and its interaction with land
Postdoctoral researcher

Mesoscale convective systems and organized convection
PhD student

Intensification of tropical cyclones in idealized simulations
PhD student

Antarctic Circumpolar Current response to idealized wind forcing
PhD student

Charging in dust and in clouds
PhD student (co-advised with Scott Waitukaitis)

Bowen YANG
Cold pools below precipitating clouds
PhD student (co-advised with Bjorn Hof)

Awards and Distinctions of Group Members

2024 Yi-Ling Hwong postdoctoral fellow, has obtained a permanent researcher position at IIASA

2024 Julie Andre PhD student, received the competitive JSPS Postdoctoral fellowship for her postdoc at Hokkaido University, Japan

2024-2026 Alejandro Casallas was awarded the Marie-Curie IST-bridge postdoctoral fellowship

2024 Sophie Abramian PhD student, received the PhD Prize from the Treilles Foundation for her work on convective storms

2023 Yi-Ling Hwong postdoctoral fellow, is the winner of "Exposure to Policy Making" at Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA)

2023-2025 Jiawei Bao was awarded the Marie-Curie IST-bridge postdoctoral fellowship

2023 Yi-Ling Hwong postdoctoral fellow, received the CFMIP Early Career Scientist award for her work on moisture memory in single column models

2023 Sophie Abramian PhD student, received the CFMIP Early Research Career award for her work on mesoscale convective systems

2023 Benjamin Fildier former postdoctoral researcher, has obtained an ERC Starting Grant

2023 Sara Shamekh former PhD student, has obtained an Assistant Professor position at New York University

2023 Benjamin Fildier former postdoctoral researcher, has obtained a permanent researcher position at CNRS

2022-2024 Lokahith Agasthya was awarded the Marie-Curie IST-bridge postdoctoral fellowship

2022-2024 Yi-Ling Hwong was awarded the Marie-Curie IST-bridge postdoctoral fellowship

2022 Sophie Abramian PhD student, received jury congratulations for the presentation of her work at the Pan GASS meeting

2022 Bidyut Goswami postdoctoral researcher, was awarded the Prof Roddam Narasimha best research award for his work on the Indian monsoon

2021 Benjamin Fildier postdoctoral researcher, was awarded the CFMIP Early Career Scientist Award for his theoretical work on radiative cooling

Former Graduate Students and Postdocs

Yi-Ling Hwong
2022-2024, Former postdoc, now researcher at IIASA
Moisture memory in cloud resolving simulations and in parameterized convection

2021-2024, Former PhD student (co-advised with Philippe Drobinski and Fabio D'Andrea), now postdoctoral fellow at Hokkaido University, Japan
Changes of precipitation in the Mediterranean region with climate change

2020-2023, Former PhD student (co-advised with Camille Risi), now postdoctoral researcher at Columbia University, NY
Physical origins of the properties of mesoscale convective systems and implications for high impact events

Alexis AUBEL
2024, Former MS intern (co-advised with Bidyut Goswami), Ecole Polytechnique
Aggregation in a wind

Nathanael ASFAW
2024, Former MS intern (co-advised with Sophie Abramian and Andrea Polesello), ENS Lyon
Life cycle of mesoscale convective systems

2024, Former MS intern (co-advised with Jiawei Bao), ENS Lyon
Precipitation extremes in idealized simulations

2023, Former intern (co-advised with Lokahith Agasthya) Uni of Cambridge UK, now PhD student at ISTA
Idealized models of moist convection

2023, PhD student at the University of Calabria - collaborative project (co-advised with Yi-Ling Hwong and Leonardo Primavera)
Cyclonic extreme events

Mathis CHEVE
2023, Former MS intern (co-advised with Lokahith Agasthya), ENS Lyon
Idealized models of moist convection

Philipp AGLAS
2022, Former scientific intern (co-advised with Yi-Ling Hwong)
Moisture memory associated with convective organization

Benjamin Fildier
2019-2022, Former postdoc, now researcher at CNRS
Convective organization, radiative processes and precipitation

Riddhima Puri
2022, Former MS intern (co-advised with Bidyut Goswami), now MS student at ENS Paris
Land/sea contrasts in convective lifecycle

Victorien De Meyer
2022, PhD collaboration (PhD Advisor Remy Roca), now at UQAM - Universite du Quebec a Montreal
Precipitation extremes in idealized simulations of climate change

Tim Marino
2021&2022, Former MS intern (co-advised with Sima Dogan), now PhD student at ENS Lyon
Response of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current to an external forcing

Stefan Markovic
2020&2021, Former MS intern (co-advised with Benjamin Fildier), now at the French weather center
Analysis of data from the EUREC4A field campaign

Remi Gaillard
2020, Former MS intern, now PhD student at LMD/ENS Paris
Impact of convective organization on precipitation extremes

Nicolas Da Silva
2019, Former postdoc, now at Leibniz Centre
Impact of self-aggregation on precipitation extremes

Basile Poujol
2018, Former MS intern (co-advised with Andreas Prein), now PhD student at LMD/Sorbonne Universite
Genesis of tropical cyclones

Sara Shamekh
2017-2020, Former PhD student (co-advised with Fabio D'Andrea and Jean-Philippe Duvel), now Assistant Professor at New York University
Impact of sea surface temperature on the aggregation of deep convective clouds

Jean-Baptiste Courbot
2017-2018, Former postdoc (co-advised with Bernard Legras), now at Universite de Haute Alsace
Pattern recognition in satellite imagery

Marius Guerard
2016, Former MS intern, now at Facebook
Tropical cyclones

Bastien ALONZO
2014, Former MS intern, then PhD student at Ecole Polytechnique/LMD, France
Convection and precipitation

Keshav RAJA
2014, Former MS intern, now at Florida State University
Statistical distribution of convection in idealized settings

2014, Former MS intern (co-advised with Angelique Melet and Jean-Marc Chomaz), now at University of Cambridge UK
Breaking of internal waves in the ocean and implications for water masses

2014-2017, Former PhD student (co-advised with Jean-Marc Chomaz), now at University of Tasmania
Impact of ocean waves on deep waters mixing and large-scale circulation