Dec 2024 |
Moist convection and the self-aggregation of convective storms
Physics Seminar Series, ENS Lyon, France
Sept 2024 |
Climate change seen from the clouds
BG BRG, Gymnasium (high school) Klosterneuburg, Austria
Sept 2024 |
Impact of convective organization on precipitation extremes
DPA group meeting, ENS Paris, France
July 2024 |
Precipitation extremes, their change with warming & with convective organization
ICTP Summer School, Trieste, Italy
May 2024 |
The dynamics of convective cloud systems
IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria
Apr 2024 |
Is the fate of Mesoscale Convective Systems written from the start?
EGU, Vienna Austria
Jan 2024 |
Gravity waves, Compensating subsidence and detrainment around cumulus clouds
Working Group MathsInFluids, ENS Lyon, France
Sept 2023 |
Clouds and Climate
FDSE Summer School, Cambridge University, Cambridge UK
July 2023 |
Impact of convective organization on precipitation extremes
Lapse rate workshop, Paris France
Jun 2023 |
Small-scale processes in the atmosphere and the oceans, and their impact on climate
Annual meeting of French ``Groupements de Recherche'' GDRs (GDR: Navier-Stokes 2.0 and GDR: Defis theoriques pour les sciences du climat), Paris France
May 2023 |
Tropical cyclones in a warming climate
Pint of Science, Vienna Austria
May 2023 |
How are clouds distributed on Earth, and why?
Think and Drink, ISTA Austria
Apr 2023 |
Response of precipitation extremes to warming estimated from satellites
EGU, Vienna Austria
Jan 2023 |
Spontaneous aggregation of convective storms
Seminar: COAPS, Florida State University (FSU), Online
Dec 2022 |
Cold pools in realistic cloud-resolving simulations
Cold Pool Workshop, MPI Schloss Ringberg Germany
Nov 2022 |
Spontaneous aggregation of convective storms
Webinar: Tipping elements, irreversibility, and abrupt changes in the Earth system: Cloud feedbacks and atmospheric dynamics, Online
Sept 2022 |
Self-aggregation of convective storms
Workshop on mathematics and theoretical physics for climate dynamics, Lyon, France
July 2022 |
Aggregation of convective clouds in idealized simulations and in observations
Water Cycle Workshop, Paris, France
July 2022 |
How do ocean temperature anomalies favor or disfavor the aggregation of convective storms
ICTP Summer School, Trieste, Italy (virtual)
June 2022 |
How do ocean temperature anomalies favor or disfavor the aggregation of convective storms
MPI Colloquium, Hamburg, Germany
May 2022
Spontaneous aggregation of convective storms
EGU, Vienna Austria
May 2022 |
Significant amplification of instantaneous extreme precipitation with convective self-aggregation
EGU, Vienna Austria
May 2022 |
Self-aggregation of convective storms
2nd workshop on cloud organization (WCO2), Utrecht |
Mar 2022 |
Precipitation extremes, their response to warming and to convective organization
Journees scientifiques sur la convection profonde, Bordeaux
Mar 2022 |
The role of radiative feedbacks in organizing convective clouds
University of Vienna Colloquium |
Sep 2021 |
How do ocean temperature anomalies favor or disfavor the aggregation of deep convective clouds?
BOKU-Met seminar
Sep 2021 |
Clouds and Climate
FDSE Summer School, Cambridge Uni UK |
Sep 2021 |
Response of precipitation extremes to warming
Virtual CFMIP |
Jun 2021
Nuages, role et modelisation
ECOCLIM virtual school |
May 2021 |
How are clouds distributed on Earth, and why?
IPSL virtual school |
May 2021 |
How do ocean temperature anomalies favor or disfavor the aggregation of deep convective clouds?
Conference Copenhagen
May 2021 |
Tropical cyclones in our current and in a warming climate - link to the talk
IST sustainability seminar, IST Austria
Apr 2021 |
Response of precipitation extremes to warming
Conference EGU
Oct 2020 |
La circulation des enveloppes fluides -
Ocean et Atmosphere
Conference Climat
a destination de professeurs Classes
Preparatoires aux Grandes Ecoles en BCPST |
Jul 2020 |
Extreme events - cyclones
IPSL virtual summer school
Jun 2020 |
How do ocean temperature anomalies favor
or disfavor the aggregation of deep convective clouds?
University - online seminar series - slides
Feb 2020 |
Les cyclones tropicaux
College Andre Mauroix |
Feb 2020 |
Mesoscale patterns and ocean-atmosphere
interactions in high-resolution models
Institute for Meteorology and Hydrology (CIMH)
EUREC4A campaign
Dec 2019 |
Dissipation of internal tides: linear and
non-linear processes
du Departement de Physique de l'ENS
Nov 2019 |
Cyclones et changement climatique
des Professeurs de Biologie et Geologie (APGP)
Faculte Paris Descartes - Journees nationales 2019
Nov 2019 |
Les cyclones tropicaux
Universite de Rouen
Oct 2019 |
Self-aggregation and precipitation extremes
CFMIP Meeting
on Clouds, Precipitation, Circulation and Climate Sensitivity
Jul 2019 |
Self-aggregation, cloud radiative
feedbacks and shallow circulations
ICTP Summer School
Italy |
Oct 2018 |
Incertitude des phenomenes extremes
publics - Geopolitique du risque
ENS Paris,
Jourdan campus |
Oct 2018 |
Les cyclones tropicaux
UPA Geosciences et Societe
ENS Paris |
Oct 2018 |
Dissipation of internal tides: linear and
non-linear processes
Workshop on
Non-Hydrostatic Ocean Modeling
Brest, France |
Jul 2018 |
Convective organization and precipitation
Extreme Precipitation Workshop,
WCRP Grand Challenge on extremes / GEWEX
Germany |
Apr 2018 |
Acceleration of tropical cyclogenesis by
self-aggregation feedbacks
European Geosciences Union - EGU session CL4.04
Understanding past, present and future changes in the hydrological cycle
Vienna, Austria
Apr 2018 |
Assessing the strength of self-aggregation
feedbacks from in-situ data
European Geosciences
Union - EGU session AS1.37
Atmospheric Convection
Vienna, Austria
Mar 2018 |
Amplification of tropical cyclogenesis by
self-aggregation feedbacks
Fluid Mechanics Seminar - Department of
Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics DAMTP
The University
of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK
Feb 2018 |
Mecanismes de formation des cyclones
thematique Institut Pierre Simon Laplace IPSL
Jussieu Campus,
Paris, France
Feb 2018 |
Assessing the strength of self-aggregation
feedbacks from in-situ data
Ateliers de Modelisation
de l'Atmosphere AMA
Meteo France,
Toulouse, France
Jan 2018 |
Les cyclones tropicaux
Seminaire et table ronde, Institut des Hautes
etudes pour la Science et la Technologie (IHEST)
Ministere de
l'Enseignement superieur, de la Recherche et de l'Innovation
Dec 2017 |
Dans l'oeil du cyclone
- Direction Generale de l'Armement (DGA) |
Nov 2017 |
Self-aggregation of atmospheric convection
in idealized simulations
Reunion du
Groupement De Recherche (GDR) " Megha-Tropiques "
Aug 2017 |
Le changement climatique vu des nuages -
Climate change seen from the clouds
Les Houches city
hall, public lecture
Aug 2017 |
Clouds and turbulent moist convection
Les Houches summer school
on Fundamental Aspects of turbulent flows in Climate Dynamics, France -
Lecture 1,
2, Lecture 3, Lectures4&5
Jul 2017 |
"Organization of Convection" session, Discussion Leader
Research Conference on Radiation & Climate : Connecting
Observations to Global Circulation Modeling Challenges, Portland ME, USA
Jan 2017 |
Impact of convective organization on
precipitation extremes
Minisymposium at the
occasion of the PhD defense of Jessica Loriaux, "Convective extreme
precipitation at mid-latitudes", KNMI
Dec 2016 |
Self-aggregation of convection and
AGU Fall Meeting (American
Geophysical Union), San Francisco CA, USA |
Aug 2016 |
Self-aggregation of atmospheric convection
Oberwolfach Germany Multiscale interactions in geophysical
2016 |
Dissipation of internal tides at the
critical latitude
University of Edinburgh Trapped Waves and wave radiation in fluid
2016 |
Self-aggregation of atmospheric convection
in idealized simulations
Imperial College Atmospheric Physics Seminar
2016 |
What parameterization challenges does
convective organization pose?
ETH Zurich, Switzerland Workshop Cloud and boundary layer
dynamics: the next decade
2016 |
Physical processes affecting the
self-aggregation of convection
Conference on
Mathematical Geophysics, Paris, France
May 2016 |
Numerical applications of PDEs to climate
New York University -
Shanghai, Shanghai, China PDE Seminar
Feb 2016
Physical processes affecting the
self-aggregation of convection
International Space
Science Institute Workshop, Bern, Switzerland
(Shallow Clouds, Water Vapor, Circulation
and Climate Sensitivity Workshop)
Oct 2015
Self-aggregation of atmospheric convection
in idealized simulations
University of
Reading Meteorology
Departmental Seminars
Sep 2015 |
Spatial organization of clouds in the
tropical atmosphere
University of
Reading Mathematics of
Planet Earth, London Mathematical Society (LMS)
Aug 2015 |
favors convective aggregation in the tropical atmosphere, and why?
UC Berkeley BASC seminar
Jul 2015
Distribution of atmospheric convection in
idealized simulations
Bifurcations and
Instabilities in Fluid Dynamics, ESPCI Paris
Mar 2015
Convection and Clouds
Theoretical advances in
planetary flows and climate dynamics, Les Houches (France)
( |
Aug 2014 |
On the self-aggregation of convection
GFD summer school, Woodshole MA,
( |
Jun 2014 |
Tropical Precipitation Extremes: Can we
Predict Their Response to Warming?
Latsis Symposium on Atmosphere and Climate Dynamics: From Clouds to
Global Circulations, Zurich, Switzerland
( |
Mar 2014 |
Self-aggregation of convection
Grand Challenge Workshop, Rottach-Egern, Germany
Feb 2014 |
Convection in Radiative-Convective
Lorenz center workshop, MIT, Cambridge MA, USA
( |
2013 |
Properties of Radiative Convective
Equilibrium at various horizontal resolutions
Seminar, Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, Hamburg, Germany
2013 |
Amplification of tropical precipitation
extremes with atmospheric warming
Physical Sciences
Division Seminar, National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration
(NOAA), Boulder CO, USA
Instability of internal tides
Red Raider
Mini-Symposium, Texas Tech University, Lubbock TX, USA
2013 |
Amplification of tropical precipitation
extremes with warming in organized convection
American Meteorological
Society 19th Conference on Atmospheric and Oceanic Fluid Dynamics,
Newport RI, USA |
2013 |
Radiative Convective Equilibrium at
various horizontal resolutions (poster)
Meteorological Society 19th Conference on Atmospheric and Oceanic Fluid
Dynamics, Newport RI, USA
May 2013 |
Impact of abyssal hills on internal tide
Meeting OGOA
(Ondes de Gravite dans l'Ocean et l'Atmosphere), ENS Lyon, France
May 2013 |
Amplification of tropical precipitation
extremes with atmospheric warming
Seminar, LMD Jussieu,
Paris, France |
Nov 2012 |
Self-Aggregation of tropical convection in
cloud-resolving simulations
Journee de Dynamique des
Fluides sur le Plateau de Saclay, Orsay Campus, France |
Oct 2012 |
Amplification of tropical precipitation
extremes with atmospheric warming
Seminar, Department of
Physics, University of Toronto, Canada |
Aout 2011 |
Precipitation extremes and
self-aggregation of convection
Seminar, School of Marine
& Atmospheric Sciences, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook NY, USA |
Jun 2011 |
Self-Aggregation in cloud resolving models
American Meteorological
Society 18th Conference on Atmospheric and Oceanic Fluid Dynamics,
Spokane WA, USA |
May 2011 |
The response of the hydrological cycle to
climate change: Amplification of precipitation extremes
School of Engineering and
Applied Science, Princeton University, Princeton NJ, USA |
Dec 2010 |
The response of the hydrological cycle to
climate change: an energetic approach
Dynamics seminar,
GFDL/Princeton University, Princeton NJ, USA |
Dec 2010 |
Amplification of precipitation extremes
with warming in a cloud-resolving model
AGU Fall Meeting (American
Geophysical Union), San Francisco CA, USA |
May 2010 |
Relationship between tropical
precipitation and water vapor in current climate and under warming
EAPS Dept (Earth
Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences), Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Cambridge MA, USA |
May 2010 |
Relationship between tropical
precipitation and water vapor in current climate and under warming
GFDL, Princeton NJ, USA |
Mar 2010 |
Relationship between tropical
precipitation and water vapor in current climate and under warming
Lamont-Doherty Earth
Observatory, Columbia University, Palisades NY, USA |
Feb 2010 |
The response of the hydrological cycle to
climate change
CAOS Colloquium, New York
University, New York NY, USA |
Nov 2009 |
The response of the hydrological cycle to
climate change
Applied Mathematics
Colloquium, Columbia University, New York NY, USA |
Jun 2009 |
The response of the hydrological cycle to
climate change
American Meteorological
Society 17th Conference on Atmospheric and Oceanic Fluid Dynamics,
Stowe VT, USA |
Jun 2009 |
Saturation of the internal tides and
induced mixing in the abyssal ocean (poster)
American Meteorological
Society 17th Conference on Atmospheric and Oceanic Fluid Dynamics,
Stowe VT, USA |
May 2008 |
Instability and dissipation of internal
New Jersey Institute of
Technology, NJ, USA |
Sep 2007 |
Focusing and saturation of internal tides
Department of Mechanical
Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge MA, USA |
Aug 2007 |
Focusing and saturation of internal tides
18eme Congres Francais de
Mecanique, Grenoble, France |
Jun 2007 |
Instability and focusing of internal tides
in the deep ocean (poster)
American Meteorological
Society 16th Conference on Atmospheric and Oceanic Fluid Dynamics,
Santa Fe NM, USA |
Jan 2007 |
Instabilite de la maree interne
Laboratoire de
Meteorologie Dynamique a l'Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris, France |
Jan 2007 |
Instabilite de la maree interne
d'Hydrodynamique de l'Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France |