The main lecture courses will be complemented by tutorials, sessions of questions and anwers, theme discussions and poster presentations.
The course is aimed primarely at PhD students, postdocs and other young scientists wishing to broaden and deepen their knowledge or to identify new research opportunities.
R. Allan (Univ. Reading),
W. Bell (ECMWF) ,
S. Fueglistaler (Univ. Cambridge),
F. Fierli (CNR/Bologna),
W. Lahoz (NILU),
B. Legras (LMD/IPSL),
E. Moyer (U. Chicago),
T. Peter (ETH Zurich),
R. Roca (LMD/IPSL),
W. Randell (NCAR),
K. Rosenlof (NOAA),
C. Schiller (FZ Julich),
S. Sherwood (Univ. Sydney),
H. Tost (MPI Mainz)