Publication list of Bernard Legras from 1981 to 1995 in chronological order
Turbulent phase shift of Rossby waves, B. Legras, 1980, Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dynamics, 15, pp. 253-281. [PDF]
A study of barotropic model flows : intermittency, waves and predictability, C. Basdevant, B. Legras, R. Sadourny and M. Béland, 1981, J. Atmos. Sci., 38, pp. 2305-2326
Ecoulements atmosphériques stationnaires, périodiques et apériodiques, B. Legras and M. Ghil, 1983, J. Méc. Théor. Appl., N° spécial 1983, pp. 45-82
Blocking and variations in atmospheric predictability, B. Legras and M. Ghil, 1984, Predictability of Fluid Motions, G. Holloway and B.J. West Eds, American Institute of Physics, pp. 87-105
Dynamiques comparées du tourbillon et d'un scalaire passif en turbulence bi-dimensionnelle incompressible, A. Babiano, C. Basdevant, B. Legras and R. Sadourny, 1984, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 299, II-10, pp. 601-604
Persistent anomalies, blocking and variations in atmospheric predictability, B. Legras and M. Ghil, 1985, J. Atmos. Sci., 42, pp. 433-471.[PDF]
Invariant manifolds, quasi-geostrophy and initialization, R. Vautard and B. Legras, 1986, J. Atmos. Sci., 43, pp. 565-584
Large-scale atmospheric dynamics, B. Legras, 1986, J. Stat. Phys., 44, pp. 1044-1051
Predictability and baroclinic flow regimes, B. Legras and R. Vautard, 1987, ECMWF Workshop on Predictability in the Medium and Extended Range, pp. 183-204, ECMWF, Reading, UK
Wave-vortex dynamics, R. Benzi and B. Legras, 1987, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen., 20, pp. 5125-5144>
Vorticity and passive scalar dynamics in two-dimensional turbulence, A. Babiano, C. Basdevant, B. Legras and R. Sadourny, 1987, J. Fluid Mech., 183, pp. 379-397
Cluster analysis and weather regimes, 1987, B. Legras, T. Desponts and B. Piguet, ECMWF Seminar on The Nature and Prediction of Extra Tropical Weather Systems, pp. 123-, ECMWF, Reading, UK.
High resolution numerical experiments for forced two-dimensional turbulence, B. Legras, P. Santangelo and R. Benzi, 1988, Europhysics Letters, 5, pp. 37-42
On the source of mid-latitude low-frequency variability. Part I: A statistical approach to persistence, 1988, R. Vautard, B. Legras & M. Déqué, J. Atmos. Sci., 45, pp. 2811-2843. [PDF]
On the source of mid-latitude low-frequency variability. Part II: Nonlinear baroclinic equilibration of weather regimes, 1988, R. Vautard & B. Legras, J. Atmos. Sci., 45, pp. 2845-2667. [PDF]
Nonlinear prospects in atmospheric dynamics, 1988, Study Week on Persistent Meteo-Oceanographic Anomalies and Teleconnections, C. Chagas and G. Puppi eds, Pontificia Academia Scientiarum Scripta Varia, Vaticano
The generation of vorticity in high resolution two-dimensional decaying turbulence and the influence of initial conditions on the breaking of self-similarity, 1989, P. Santangelo, R. Benzi and B. Legras, Phys. Fluids, A 1 (6), pp. 1027-1034.
Meteorological attractors, 1990, B. Legras, Physics World, 3 (8), pp. 29-32.
The elliptical model of two-dimensional vortex dynamics. Part I: The basic state, 1991, B. Legras and D. G. Dritschel, Phys. Fluids, A 3 (5), pp. 845-854. [PDF]
The elliptical model of two-dimensional vortex dynamics. Part II: Disturbance equations, 1991, D. G. Dritschel and B. Legras, Phys.Fluids, A 3 (5)pp. 855-869. [PDF]
Conformal transforms and dynamics of two-dimensional vortices, 1992, B. Legras and D. G. Dritschel, Nonlinear Phenomena in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, G. Carnevale and R. Pierrehumbert eds, IMA volumes in Mathematics and its Applications, 40, pp. 221-237, Springer-Verlag.
Conformal dynamics for vortex motions, 1992, B. Legras and V. Zeitlin, Physics Letters A, 167, pp. 265-271.
A comparison of the contour surgery and pseudo-spectral methods, 1993, B. Legras and D.G. Dritschel, J. Comput. Phys., 104, pp. 287-302.
Vortex stripping and the generation of high vorticity gradients in two-dimensional flows 1993, B. Legras and D.G. Dritschel, Applied Scientific Research , 51, pp. 445-455.
Two-dimensional vortex dynamics, 1993, B. Legras, in Turbulence in Spatially Extended Systems, Eds. R. Benzi, C. Basdevant and C. Ciliberto, pp. 295-304, Nova Science Publishers, New York.
Modeling oceanic and atmospheric vortices, 1993, D.G. Dritschel and B. Legras, Physics Today, 46, pp. 44-51.
The life-cycle of the barotropic tripolar vortex, 1994, X. Carton and B. Legras, J. Fluid Mech., 267, pp. 53-82.
Vortex stripping, 1994, B. Legras & D. G. Dritschel, in Modelling of Oceanic Eddies, Ed. G.J.F. van Heijst, pp. 51-60, North-Holland, Amsterdam
Vortex stripping and the erosion of coherent structures in two-dimensional flows, 1994, A. Mariotti, B. Legras and D. Dritschel, Phys. Fluids, 6, pp. 3954-3962.
Potential vorticity on isentropic surfaces : climatology and diagnostics, 1995, G. Brunet, R. Vautard, B. Legras and S. Edouard, Mon. Wea. Rev., 123, pp. 1037-1058.
Weather regimes: recurrence and quasi-stationarity, 1995, P.-A. Michelangeli, R. Vautard and B. Legras, J. Atmos. Sci., 52, pp. 1237-1256.
Turbulence and vortices in numerical simulations of two-dimensional flows, 1994, in Turbulence : a tentative dictionary, Eds. O. Cardoso and P. Tabeling, Plenum Press, pp. 51-58.
Simulated annealing and weather regimes classification, 1995, A. Hannachi & B. Legras, Tellus, 47A, pp. 955-973.
Conformal field theory and direct numerical simulation of two-dimensional turbulence, 1995, R. Benzi, B. Legras, G. Parisi & R. Scardovelli, Europhys Lett., 29, pp. 203-208.