Scientific journal articles
- Impact of ageostrophic dynamics on the predictability of Lagrangian trajectories in
surface-ocean turbulence
M. Maalouly, G. Lapeyre, and S. Berti (2024). Phys. Rev. Fluids, 9, 104503.
- Dynamics of diabatically forced anticyclonic plumes in the stratosph
A. Podglajen, B. Legras, G. Lapeyre, R. Plougonven, V. Zeitlin, V. Bremaud, P. Sellitto, Quart. J. Royal M
eteorol. Soc., 1-28.
- Storm tracks response to oceanic eddies in idealized atmospheric simulations
A. Foussard, G. Lapeyre and R. Plougonven. J. Climate, 32, 445-463.
- Ocean scale interactions from space
P. Klein, G. Lapeyre, L. Siegelman, B. Qiu, L.-L. Fu, H. Torres, Z. Su and D. Menemenlis and S. Le Gentil. Earth and Space Science., 6, 795-817.
- Global observations of fine-scale ocean surface topography with the Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) Mission.
R. Morrow, L.-L. Fu et al. Frontiers in Marine Science, 6, 232.
- Response of surface wind divergence to mesoscale SST anomalies under different wind conditions
A. Foussard, G. Lapeyre and R. Plougonven. J. Atmos. Sci., 76, 2065-2082.
- Atmospheric response to sea surface temperature mesoscale structures
J. Lambaerts, G. Lapeyre, R. Plougonven, P. Klein.Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 118, 9611--9621, doi:10.1002/jgrd.50769.
- On the northward motion of midlatitude cyclones in a baroclinic meandering jet
L. Oruba, G. Lapeyre, G. Rivière.Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 70, 2629-2649.
- A potential vorticity perspective on the motion of a mid-latitude winter storm
G. Rivière, P. Arbogast, G. Lapeyre, K. Maynard.Geophysical Research Letters, 39, L12808, doi:10.1029/2012GL052440 .
- On the northward motion of midlatitude cyclones in a barotropic meandering jet
L. Oruba, G. Lapeyre, G. Rivière.Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 69, 1793-1810 .
- Atmospheric dynamics triggered by an oceanic SST front in a moist quasi-geostrophic model
B. Deremble, G. Lapeyre, M. Ghil.Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 69, 1617-1632 .
- Moist vs dry baroclinic instability in a simplified two-layer atmospheric model with condensation and latent heat release
J. Lambaerts, G. Lapeyre, V. Zeitlin.Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 69, 1405-1426 .
- Effects of Surface Quasi-Geostrophic turbulence on phytoplankton competition and coexistence
C. Perruche, P. Rivière, G. Lapeyre, X. Carton.Journal of Marine Research, 69, 105-135 .
- Simplified two-layer models of precipitating atmosphere and their properties
J. Lambaerts, G. Lapeyre, V. Zeitlin and F. Bouchut.Physics of Fluids, 23, 046603.
- Ocean turbulence at meso and submesoscales: connection between surface and interior dynamics
P. Klein, G. Lapeyre, G. Roullet, S. Le Gentil, H. Sasaki.Geophysical & Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 105, 421-437 .
- A quasi-geostrophic model for moist storm-tracks
A. Lainé, G. Lapeyre, G. Rivière.Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 68, 1306-1322 .
- Moist vs dry barotropic instability in a shallow water model of the atmosphere with moist convection
J. Lambaerts, G. Lapeyre, V. Zeitlin.Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 68, 1234-1252 .
- Fronts and nonlinear waves in a simplified shallow-water model of the atmosphere with moisture and convection
F. Bouchut, J. Lambaert, G. Lapeyre, V. Zeitlin.Physics of Fluids, 21, 116604.
- A novel technique for nonlinear sensitivity analysis : application to moist predictability
O. Riviere G. Lapeyre and O. Talagrand.Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 135,1520-1537 .
- What mesoscale signal does the altimeter reflect? On the decomposition in baroclinic modes and on a surface-trapped mode
G. Lapeyre.Journal of Physical Oceanography, 39, 2857-2874 .
- Diagnosis of vertical velocities in the upper ocean from high resolution sea surface height
P. Klein, J. Isern-Fontanet, G. Lapeyre, G. Roullet, E. Danioux, B. Chapron, S. Le Gentil and H. Sasaki.Geophysical Research Letters, 36, L12603 .
- The oceanic vertical pump induced by mesoscale eddies
P. Klein and G. Lapeyre.Annual Review of Marine Science, 1, 351-375 .
- 3D Reconstruction of oceanic mesoscale currents from surface information
J. Isern-Fontanet, G. Lapeyre, P. Klein, B. Chapron, and M. W. Hecht.Journal of Geophysical Research. Oceans, 113, C09005, doi :10.1029/2007JC004692 .
- Upper ocean turbulence from high 3-D resolution simulations
P. Klein, B. L. Hua, G. Lapeyre, X. Capet, S Le Gentil, and H. Sasaki. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 38, 1748-1763 .
- Surface kinetic energy transfer in SQG flows
X. Capet, P. Klein, B. L. Hua, G. Lapeyre and J. C. McWilliams. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 604, 165-174 .
- Nonlinear generalization of singular vectors: Behavior in a baroclinic unstable flow
O. Rivière, G. Lapeyre and O. Talagrand.Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 65, 1896-1911 .
- Potential use of microwave Sea Surface Temperatures for the estimation of ocean currents
J. Isern-Fontanet, B. Chapron, G. Lapeyre and P. Klein. Geophysical Research Letters, 33, L24608, doi:10.1029/2006GL027801 .
- Impact of the small-scale elongated filaments on the oceanic vertical pump
G. Lapeyre and P. Klein. Journal of Marine Research, 64, 835-851 .
- Oceanic restratification forced by surface frontogenesis
G. Lapeyre, P. Klein and B. L. Hua. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 36, 1577-1590 .
- Dynamics of the upper oceanic layers in terms of surface quasigeostrophy theory
G. Lapeyre and P. Klein.Journal of Physical Oceanography, 36, 165-176 .
- Dynamics of a 2D vortex doublet under external deformation
G. Maze, X. Carton and G. Lapeyre. Random and Chaotic Dynamics, 9, 477-497 .
- Wind ringing of the ocean in presence of mesoscale eddies
P. Klein, G. Lapeyre and W. G. Large. Geophysical Research Letters, 31, L15306/2004GL020274 .
- Organization of near-inertial energy by an eddy field
P. Klein, S. Llewellyn-Smith and G. Lapeyre. Quartely Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 130, 1153-1166 .
- The Role of Moisture in the Dynamics and Energetics of Turbulent Baroclinic Eddies
G. Lapeyre and I. M. Held. Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 61, 1693-1710 .